Susan Collins' Controversial
Massachusetts Financial Disclosure Statement

Here is a scanned copy of the document Robert Norris received when he went to the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission office and filled out his request form in September 1996.

In August 1997, I decided I needed a copy for myself, as part of my research for this report. At my request, a friend in Boston went to that office and filled out the standard request form on my behalf. I presume that the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission office followed standard procedure, and immediately sent a copy of that request form, with my name on it, to Susan Collins.

As you read through this form, remember how highly offended Susan Collins became, at least publicly, when she learned Robert Norris had obtained a copy. Also remember that, during the whole brouhaha over Norris asking to see, and actually seeing, this document during the 1996 campaign, no member of the media -- or anyone else, for that matter -- made a similar request to look at this document.


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